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2024 Ludlow Art Prize

After gaining positive feedback on last years Ludlow Art Prize from both artists and attendees, the decision has been made to open entries up to all of Western Australia for 2024.

To cater for the anticipated increase in entries we have plans to expand the exhibition so it will be displayed not only in the heritage listed Ludlow Gallery, but also in the neighbouring heritage building called the Store. 

We look forward to welcoming you to the Ludlow Tuart Forest!

Australian Landscape Painting

First Prize $5,000 cash
People Choice Award $1,000 cash

Sculpture in the Forest

First Prize $5,000 cash
Peoples Choice Award $1,000 cash


1 May 2024


31 August 2024


27 September 2024

Ludlow Art Prize - Australian Landscape Painting

The Ludlow Art Prize for a landscape painting.

  • The Ludlow Art Prize for an Australian landscape painting (Selected by an independent panel of judges; non-acquisitive) $5,000 cash.

  • The finished work must be no larger than 100cm x 100cm or imperial equivalent.

  • Entrants will have their work exhibited at the Ludlow Settlement art gallery.

Entry fee: $40 Inc. GST per art work.

2023 First Prize

Laura Griffith

2023 First Prize - Laura Griffith

Ludlow Art Prize - Sculpture in the Forest

The Ludlow Art Prize for a sculpture.

  • The Ludlow Art Prize for a sculpture (Selected by an independent panel of judges; non-acquisitive) $5,000 cash.

  • Entrants will have their work exhibited at the Ludlow Settlement.

Entry fee: $40 Inc. GST per art work.

2023 First Prize

Kim Perrier

2023 First Prize - Kim Perrier

Key dates

Entries open
1 May 2024

Entries close
31 August 2024

From 21 September 2024

Award announcements
25 September 2024

Art exhibition
28 September to 6 October 2024

Artwork collection
from 4pm, 6 October 2024
or 7 October (8am to 4pm)

Ludlow Art Prize entry terms and conditions


  • By entering the prize, the artist agrees to these binding terms and conditions. These terms and conditions together with the artist`s completed entry form, form the agreement between the artist and the Ludlow Tuart Forest Restoration Group Inc.


  • The artwork must be by an artist residing in the State of Western Australia.

  • If under the age of 18, a Parent/Legal Guardian consent form must be provided with the entry.

  • Members of the Ludlow Tuart Forest Restoration Group committee and Ludlow Art Prize sub-committee can enter the Ludlow Art Prize but are not eligible to win first prize.



  • All artworks must be the original work of the artist, completed within 12 months of the entry closing date (see key dates) and not infringe the copyright, moral rights, or other rights of any third party.

  • All artworks submitted cannot be completed in whole or part by artificial intelligence (AI).

  • An artist may enter several artworks accompanied by a separate entry form and payment.

  • The artwork must not have been awarded a prize in any other competition.

  • The Ludlow Tuart Forest Restoration Group reserves the right to not display any artwork where, in its discretion, considers that it may be unlawful, offensive, defamatory or unsafe.

Australian landscape painting

  • Landscapes can be real or imagined, but must have a focus on natural Australian scenery. Entries not adhering to the theme `Landscape´ will be considered ineligible.

  • The landscape painting may be any two dimensional medium (excluding photography and film).

  • The finished work must be no larger than 100cm x 100cm or imperial equivalent.

  • Collaborative works are accepted.


  • The entered artwork must be a sculpture. There is no required theme.

  • Ephemeral sculptures are accepted.

  • The sculpture may be of any material, however must be suitable for an outdoor sculpture park.

  • There are no size constraints for the finished sculpture.

  • Collaborative works are accepted.


  • An image of the artwork (both paintings and sculpture) must be submitted online by the closing date (see key dates). Note: 3 images required for sculptures.

  • Only artworks detailed on the entry form and in the submitted images will be accepted. Any other artwork will not be accepted.

  • There is a non-refundable entry administration fee of $40 per submission.

  • The resolution of the uploaded images can be a maximum of 5MB each and can be JPEG or PNG format. The

  • They naming convention is lastname_firstname_title. The images will be used for the exhibition printed catalogue and the website.

  • Include a description of the artwork (maximum 200 words).

  • Include your artists curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages).

  • Entry details cannot be changes after the closing date.

  • Artists (and their agents) must agree not to display any images of the artwork(s) on any social media platforms prior to the announcement of the winner.

  • Artists whose work are selected for the exhibition must allow their work to be reproduced for promotional, review and educational purposes.


  • There is exhibition space for approximately 150 landscape paintings. If necessary, a pre-selection panel will select finalists for the exhibition and judging.

  • There is unlimited space for sculptures, and all will be exhibited and judged.

  • Acceptance of entries will be confirmed to artists by email (see key dates).


Landscape painting

  • All selected artworks must be suitably framed. A stretched canvas is considered framed however 25mm D-rings must be placed at the back of the work 10cm down from the top of the frame.

  • The painting must be delivered in suitable packaging for temporary storage prior to, and after the exhibition.

  • The artwork must be clearly marked on the back with the artists name, address and title of work and include hanging instructions.

  • Wet paintings will not be accepted.


  • Sculptures will be displayed within the former timber mill fenced compound.

  • Some display areas have firm ground (gravel or asphalt), while other areas are grassed.  Artworks deemed unsafe will need to be modified on the day of installation.

  • All sculpture must be installed by the artist and/or assistants. Placement of sculptures within the Sculpture Park will be at the discretion of the curator.

  • The Ludlow Gallery will assist where possible, however does not have heavy lift machinery.


  • The Ludlow Tuart Forest Restoration Group will not pay for any costs incurred in the delivery and return of any entry, including freight.


  • A qualified panel of judges will review all entries and select artworks for prizes.

  • Members of the Ludlow Tuart Forest Restoration Group Inc. cannot be judges.

  • The selection panel and judge’s decision will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into.

  • Entrants must submit the entered work for the Ludlow Art Prize exhibition if selected as a finalist.

  • Artists are ineligible to win First Prize in the Ludlow Art Prize in consecutive exhibitions. This excludes other judged categories including a People’s Choice Award.

  • All prize money will be paid within 4 (four) weeks of the award date.


  • All works selected for exhibition must be for sale for the entire exhibition period.

  • Finalists artworks sold prior to the exhibition will be ineligible.

  • The Ludlow Tuart Forest Restoration Group shall be entitled to and will retain 30% plus GST commission on all works sold during the exhibition period.

  • If an artwork is sold, the artist may be required to supply the Ludlow Tuart Forest Restoration Group with a tax invoice to satisfy GST commitments. Artists registered for GST should quote their Australian Business Number (ABN) on their Tax Invoice. If registered for GST, the commission is levied on the sale price inclusive of GST. If the artist is unable to provide an ABN, the invoice must be accompanied by a `Statement of Supplier´ form available from the ATO website.

  • Artists will be notified of the sale of their artwork at the conclusion of the exhibition.


  • The Ludlow Tuart Forest Restoration Group Inc. will exercise all reasonable care in handling works submitted but will not be responsible for loss or damage to any work whilst in our custody. We recommend artists insure their work against loss or damage during transit and whilst in our custody.


  • The collection address is 21 Ludlow Road North, LUDLOW WA 6280

  • The artworks can be collected from the Ludlow Gallery and Sculpture Park at the end of the exhibition (see key dates)

  • If the person collecting the artwork is not the artist or purchaser, they must present written or signed permission to collect on the artist`s or purchaser`s behalf.

  • The Ludlow Tuart Forest Restoration Group has no facilities for long term storage and will not be responsible for any artwork not collected within 20 days of the end of the exhibition. The Ludlow Tuart Forest Restoration Group reserves the right to sell or dispose as they see fit, any artwork not collected by the specified dates.


  • All exhibiting artists will be invited to attend the Official Opening and Prize Presentation. An invitation will be sent and RSVP is essential..


  • The Ludlow Tuart Forest Restoration Group Inc, may amend these terms and conditions and the entry form at any time, subject to giving notice to the artist via this webpage.

Become a supporter/donor

The purpose of the Ludlow Art Prize is to bring people together to shine a light on the listed, critically endangered Tuart Forest located at Ludlow, while fostering creativity and supporting artists in their artistic endeavours.

Your donation will be greatly appreciated and will help us to secure the Ludlow Art Prize as a permanent event in future years. As a not-for-profit organisation with DGR status your donation is 100% tax deductible.


Ludlow Art Prize

Ludlow Settlement
21 Ludlow Road North, LUDLOW 6280


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