We want our stuff back!
The Ludlow Settlement is the base for all forest activities and now a reminder of the people that had real, productive jobs in the forest and at the mill and lived in the settlement.
Its time bring back the Items of plant and equipment that have been relocated to safe havens over the past few years. Of course, we take the charitable view that some items were relocated to a safe place by well intentioned people in order to preserve them for posterity. Well done and thank you!
If you do have any former Ludlow plant and equipment or similar period items, we will gladly accept them, bring them back to life and put them back to work.
The items listed below are just a starting point. We will add to the list in the coming weeks and months. If you can assist, contact Bill on 0419 944 251 or send us a message using the contact form at the bottom of the page.
Telephone booth
A telephone booth like this was located just outside the administration building and connected employees with the outside world. We want one of these back in readiness for our NBN connection but not holding our breath for either!
Hilger & Watts stereoscope
A stereoscope is a binocular optical instrument for assisting the observer to view two properly orientated photographs to obtain the impression of a three dimensional model. All very nice, but ours has a problem! The stereoscope instrument has gone so we are left with pretty basic optics using the naked eye!
We now have a stand - thank you
FS6 transmitter-receiver
The Ludlow radio room was located at the administration building. It was a typical forestry radio room and most likely equiped with an AWA FS6 transmitter-receiver.
We don't currently have a telephone landline connection to the outside world and probably not since the exchange operators were sent packing. Mobile phone reception is poor, so an ageing radio may be our saviour in an emergency. As part of the administration building refurbishment, our intention is to restore the radio room to working condition with the assistance of an amateur radio club.
Arbor press
An arbor press is a small hand operated press used to perform smaller jobs such as installing or removing bearings and other press fit work.
The arbor press pictured here was onsite when we commence restoration however was stolen from the heavy vehicle workshop mid 2018.
Petrol Bowser
The Ludlow mill petrol bowser was located outside the sign store, just across the road from the main store and watchful eye of the storeman.
We do not know when the bowser was removed from site. It may have been stolen or just sent back to the fuel company and scrapped. They can fetch thousands of dollars so this may be a long term project.
Macson lathe
A Macson lathe similar to this (Okay, the photo is not a Macson but a Hercus lathe and I guess you knew that!) was located in the main workshop. It was cornerstone to the capability of the workshop and we need it back so that future generations can experience the precision machining capability of the period. Yes, it will be a working lathe and will be used by a new generation of machinists.
Grinding wheel
A wet sandstone wheel was located outside the sign store and used to sharpen axes and other hand tools. It was driven by an electric motor housed under the bench in the store. This item is not missing, but in safe storage and will be relocated back to Ludlow in the near future.
Diesel and lubricant drums
Diesel fuel and lubricants were stored in the fuel shed. We are looking for any 44 gallon drums in good condition. For example, these Castrol brand drums would be just fine. Of course we accept Shell, BP, Ampol, Golden Fleece, Esso, Caltex, Mobil and other brands!
An adze is a cutting tool similar to an axe but with the cutting edge perpendicular to the handle rather than parallel. You may have one on the wall. We would like one on our wall too!
Workshop tools
Yes, we need lots of tools. The shadow board here has done most of the work for us and includes wad punches, various other punches, ring spanners, shifting spanners, pincers, pliers, multi-grips, stillsons, tap wrenches and more.
Blitz crane truck
These ex-Military Blitz trucks proved themselves to be a tough, reliable go-anywhere vehicle. They were used widely in the forest industry. Yes, we want one back and understand it is a tall order.
Yes, we have one truck and would really love to have a forestry crane truck. We are not greedy, just passionate about Blitz trucks!
Chevy Blitz (Tray)
On Saturday 29 July, our Chevy Blitz truck arrived at Ludlow. The truck was donated by Bruce McLagen of Miling, WA. It had been sitting in one of his paddocks for as long as anyone can remember. So long, it was called the Blitz paddock.
Thanks to Rohan and Tania-Marie from Westside Tilt Tray, Busselton, who donated their services to transport the Blitz from Miling to Ludlow, a 900-kilometre round trip.
Also thanks to John Monaghan who visited Bruce McLagen to accept the truck. The Blitz is now on display in the Ludlow mill compound.
Komatsu forklift truck
An essential piece of equipment to move stuff around the mill compound as none of us are getting any younger! The fork lift used at Ludlow in the early 70`s was a Komatsu FG and most likely 2-2.5 ton capacity and similar to the one in the photo.
1968 Bedford flat top truck
This one is a 1965 model however they changed little from the first production model in 1958.
1970`s State of the art telephone
While the administration and mill offices had many versions of telephone over the years. At the time the lights went out in 1974, this would have been the model. We would like at least five of these telephones if possible as the mobile reception at Ludlow is pretty poor!.
Speedie kettle
This is an urgent request and should have been at the top of the list. Now that we have power, the Wednesday morning crew are hanging out for a nice cup of tea. A teapot would be handy too!
Metters No. 2 stoves
Most of the houses at Ludlow had Metters stoves. I'm no expert but reliably informed that we need Metters No. 2 stoves. Most of the stoves at the settlement have been taken and in the process, significant damage caused to the kitchens. Grandma wants her stove back and Grandpa is not easy to please so we would appreciate your help! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...
Jarrah floor boards
Some enterprising people have removed floor boards from the settlement houses. The charitable view is that they considered the settlement abandoned and it was a free for all. Okay, point taken but a kitchen is not a kitchen without floor boards! We would appreciate any donations of period flooring.
Photographic history
While we cannot get all our physical stuff back, you may be able to provide us with some old photographs of Ludlow, the Tuart forest and surrounding areas. We can scan and enhance any relevant photographs and get them back to you post haste!
Old forestry maps
This one is in State Records Office so I guess we can`t have it. It's map prepared by the Chief Draughtmans`s Branch, Lands and Surveys Department of South West Division showing timber reserves and state forests (March 1955).
1925, 1950`s & 1960`s fixtures and chattels
In due course we will be restoring the former forestry cottages for tourist accommodation. They will restored to the year of construction complete with furnishings and gardens. Book a 1960`s cottage for the weekend and you may find a lava lamp in the lounge room!
All donations of period fixtures and chattels will be most welcome and of course we will acknowledge and look after your contribution.

It's just not fair!
This is the pits. Come on people, give us a break. We need 1950`s period quality Bristle pans. Ours have been smashed! We need some comfort! Bring them to us please. Oh yes, and lights!

A nice bath!
We are fortunate that we have a number of forestry cottages however some have less than complete bathrooms. This breezy one is missing the internal and external walls which kind of makes it unfit for purpose. We need 1950`s bathroom fixtures and fittings just to make a start at the restoration.